5 Books to Help Cultivate Personal Power and Ignite the Life Force by Erica Sunarjo

Do you feel stuck at the moment? Do you feel like you lack the life force to get control over the situation?

If you want to get your life back on track, you should read personal development and self-help books. You need to get new knowledge and wisdom to cultivate your personal power.

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself? Here is a list of the self-improvement books that are worth your attention.

Books to Help Cultivate Personal Power and Ignite

Emotional Agility

Emotional Agility by Susan David is a book that shares practical tips on self-acceptance and emotion management. The book explains that positive and negative emotions are equally important. We shouldn’t suppress our feelings under any circumstances – we need to acknowledge them, accept them, and keep on living.

Cultivation of personal power starts with the ability to manage emotions. If you can’t cope with negative and positive feelings in everyday life, it will be difficult for you to grow as a person. Read this book to get familiar with the concept of emotional agility and find out what steps you should take to ignite your life force.

If you tend to compare yourself to others, this book will help you break this bad habit. You will understand your strengths and improve your psychological well-being.

Thanks! by Robert A. Emmons

Thanks! is a book that explains how the new science of gratitude can make us happier. The main message of the book is the following: you should acknowledge your gratitude and express it to others on a daily basis.

Gratefulness makes life more fulfilling and meaningful – it’s a scientifically proven fact. If you journal for five minutes a day about the things you are grateful for, your long-term happiness will increase by over 10%, the researchers say.

If you want to cultivate personal power, you need to practice gratitude. The practice will help you understand your true worth while also help you see the worth of others.

Do you have a gratitude journal? No? I can bet you will want to start one after reading this book.

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy wrote the book The Compound Effect to explain how our everyday choices influence our lives. If you have ambitious plans but don’t have the power to execute them, you will find this book helpful. You will get the motivation to reorganize your life and reschedule your daily routine, so you can finally start moving toward your goals.

Here is an example that illustrates the “compound effect”. Let’s say you bought a fascinating book a month ago, but you haven’t started reading it yet – every day, you have had a new excuse for that. How can you change the situation?

You can set a goal to read at least five pages daily. Just five pages – it will not take you much time and effort to read, but it will get you closer to your “big goal”. If you read five pages a day, the compound effect of your efforts will be significant – you will finish the 150-page book in a month.

The compound effect is applicable to all spheres of your life. Whether you want to start a volunteer project, find a life partner, or get a new job, you should ensure that your everyday decisions get you closer to your goal.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

The chances are you have heard a lot about Marie Kondo and the methods of decluttering and organizing that she promotes. So now, you may be wondering how this book can help you develop your personal power.

The thing is that everything in our life is interconnected. The way we organize our personal space shapes the way we think and live. If you want to change your way of thinking and become more successful, you should declutter your space: your house, your office, your desk, your bag. You should say goodbye to the items you no longer need and find the place for new items, emotions, events, energies, and people you want to welcome in your life.

Method of Marie Kondo is not about the things. It’s more about our attitudes and feelings toward these things. After reading this book, you will understand why you are so attached to some items you store and what holds you back from achieving something big in your life.

You are a badass by Jen Sincero

Jen Sincero is the #1 New York Times Bestselling Author for a reason. Her book, You are a badass, helps people understand why they self-sabotage their dreams and believes and what they can do to change their lives for the better.

This book covers the topic of mental blocks that hold us back from achieving our goals. It explains why we unconsciously stop ourselves from getting what we want.

Let’s say you have a goal to become a rich person (have an annual income of $250,000+). You work hard, keep learning, develop new skills, but your current income level is low. What kind of mental blocks may you have? When you were a kid, chances are your parents or other relatives told you that “wealthy people are mean, greedy, and lonely”. Being an adult, you unconsciously avoid the things and decisions that can make you richer – you don’t want to become a mean and lonely person.

This book is a good read for those interested in the development of personal power. Once you understand what’s going on in your head on an unconscious level, you will unlock your true potential.

In conclusion

Don’t know what book to read first? Define the key issues that restrain your personal power, and chose a book that covers the relatable topic.

Do you want to learn more about how to use your power? Join the events held by Right Use of Power Institute. It’s a great opportunity for you to learn about your power style and get a lesson on how to use power with ethical wisdom.


Erica Sunarjo is a writer and editor at TrustMyPaper and SupremeDissertations. She combines her passion for writing with her interest in research and creates thought-provoking content in various fields. What inspires her the most in her writing is helping people build self-confidence and healthier relationships.

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