Core Training

Go deeper in the Right Use of Power™ approach.

Our Core Training is a 4-day, live, online global learning experience that follows our Basics Training (which is a prerequisite for the Core Training). 

The Core Training is for people who are ready to dive deeper into all of the types of power. In the Right Use of Power™ approach, we explore our own relationship with power and increase our skill in navigating our personal and professional relationships.

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In our Core Training you have the opportunity to:

  • Better understand systemic power and how it influences the other types of power.
  • Explore role power differentials and learn how to handle challenging interactions when there is a power difference.
  • Learn the difference between identities and status power.
  • Start to understand the shadow aspects of power and how we can work with them.
  • Get an introduction to working with conflict in power-conscious and generative ways.
  • Understand the importance of feedback and the difference between intention and impact.
  • Learn about shame and other emotional experiences that may impact our use of power

After Core Training participants have said they can now:

Be more ethically proactive around social power dynamics.


Be more aware of the shadow aspects of power.



Engage their personal power with more awareness and presence.



Lean into feedback and conflict with more skill and awareness of power.



Ready to Go Deeper?

Click on the button and find a Core Training that works with your schedule. They are offered four times a year!