
  • 6 Lessons

    Live Core Training Information

    Our Core Training is a 4-day, live, online global learning experience that follows our Basics Training (which is a prerequisite for the Core Training). The Core Training is for people who are ready to dive deeper into all of the types of power. In the Right Use of Power™ approach, we explore our own relationship with power and increase our skill in navigating our personal and professional relationships.

    In our Core Training, you will:

    • Learn about the neurobiology of power and how to counteract the effects of our brains and bodies on power
    • Explore role power differentials and learn how to handle challenging interactions when there is a power difference.
    • Understand the importance of feedback and the difference between intention and impact.
    • Start to understand the shadow aspects of power and how we can work with them.
    • Learn how to work with conflict in power-conscious and generative ways.
    • Better understand systemic power and how it influences the other types of power.
    • Learn about shame and other emotional experiences that may impact our use of power
  • 42 Lessons

    RUPI Webinars

    These webinar recordings are available to all Power Positive Members and higher.