Keynote Speakers

Dr. Sherri Taylor
Sherri Taylor, Psy.D. is a contemplative, teacher, end of life doula, consultant, and facilitator. She completed her undergraduate education in Feminist Studies at Stanford University and earned her master’s and doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, California.
Her scholarship and research interests include contemplative leadership, dreamwork, the intergenerational transmission of benevolence and resilience, and the somatics of belonging and unbelonging. She is also the guardian of the soulstudiolab and Black Womxn’s Dream Lab.
The soulstudiolab offers relevant and meaningful group trainings, playshops, and workshops for community and professional audiences that integrate innovative approaches and practices from the contemplative traditions, expressive arts, and psychology, with a special focus on the psycho-spiritual importance of creativity and embodiment to inspire personal growth, interpersonal understanding, and social justice.
Dr. Loren Intolubbe-Chmil
Loren Intolubbe-Chmil, Ph.D. (she/her) is an educator and activist with over thirty years of experience in teaching and diverse educational contexts. Loren’s deepest interests encompass representative stakeholder engagement, education for change, and human rights-based decision-making. Loren’s work in the world is significantly shaped as a tribal member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma as well as the experience of completing K-12 education in multiple and divergent locations as the child of a parent in the U.S. military. As a reflection of commitment to a world that embodies dignity, belongingness, justice, curiosity, and interdependence, Loren has taught several courses – including study abroad programs in Nepal and southern Africa – and led a variety of workshops and trainings with those collective values at the center.
Loren has a BA in Sociology with a Minor in Women’s Studies from Mary Baldwin University, and earned an M.Ed. and Ph.D. in Social Foundations of Education at the University of Virginia. Loren is currently a Teaching Assistant Professor and Leadership Instructor in the Student Academic Success Center at the University of Colorado-Boulder, and is co-founder and partner of the educational consulting firm CoreCollaborative International.
CoreCollaborative International:
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This is a virtual conference! You can attend from wherever you are.
Over two days of interactive workshops and dynamic speakers, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow leaders, facilitators and teachers for a nuanced exploration of power in leadership and the collective experience.