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Oct 3

Basics Training in Finland – October 3, 2024

October 3, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm EEST

$100.00 – $225.00

Right Use of Power Basics -työpaja

Toista kertaa Suomessa ja suomeksi

 Tule mukaan ja tutustu Right Use of Power ™  -ajattelun perusteisiin

Right Use of Power™ on dynaaminen, inspiroiva ja valtasuhteita tarkasteleva lähestymistapa. RUP-ajattelulla pyritään tukemaan hyvinvointia ja toimivia ihmissuhteita sekä vahvistamaan tietoisempaa suhdetta valtaan ja eettiseen vaikuttamiseen. Tutkimme yhdessä sitä, miten voimme navigoida kaiken valtaan liittyvän dynamiikan keskellä ja käyttää sekä vaikutusvaltaamme että sydäntämme.

Right Use of Power -koulutukset ovat syväsukelluksia käytännön etiikkaan. Pyrimme lisäämään niin tietoisuutta kuin myös taitoja ja tunnistamaan sen, miten monitahoinen asia valta ja valtasuhteet ovat.

Right Use of Power -lähestymistavassa eettisyyttä tarkastellaan sisäisenä kompassina – ei ulkoa sisään päin tulevana koodistona.

Basics -ohjelma on yksipäiväinen työpaja, jossa on mukana sekä teoriaa että keskusteluja ja harjoituksia. Opit tunnistamaan viisi vallan lajia sekä syvennät tietoisuuttasi omasta henkilökohtaisesta vallastasi sekä siitä, miten vaikutat toisiin.

Coachit Huom! ICF:n CCEU pisteitä tästä koulutuksesta saa neljä (Core Competencies / Ethics). Muistathan merkitä toiveen todistuksesta jo rekisteröityessäsi.

Basics-koulutukseen osallistuminen mahdollistaa jatkon muihin Right Use of Power Instituutin koulutuksiin (Core Training, Certified Facilitator Training, Power and Equity Challenge).

Suomessa toteutettavalla koulutuksella kerätään varoja Right Use of Power Instituutin toimintaan. Toivomme osallistujien valitsevan korkeimman hintatason: USD 225. Sinä voit kuitenkin vapaasti tehdä myös muun valinnan oman maksukykysi mukaan, ja halutessasi toki tehdä myös lisälahjoituksen.

Aika: Torstai 3.10.2024 klo 9-16

Paikka: Yliopistonkatu 5, Helsinki


Sari Ajanko, Leadership Coach (PCC)

Johdon työnohjaaja (CSLE)

Affiliate Right Use of Power Teacher

Right Use of Power Instituutin hallituksen jäsen


Right Use of Power™ is a dynamic, inspiring, and relational approach to the ethical use of power to promote well-being, the common good and right relationship. We share a language and framework for understanding and navigating power with strength AND heart.

The Right Use of Power™ approach is a conscious ethics deep-dive and recognizes that the issues of power in relationships are complex. Our Right Use of Power™ programs focus on increasing skillfulness, engagement, and awareness in uses of power. It is ethics from the inside out.

Our Basics Training is a 5-hour live, online global learning experience for people who want to deepen their understanding of power and start to learn how to use power with strength and heart. Empowering, relevant, and dynamic, our program is presented through engaging presentations, facilitated discussions, and experiential practices.

In our Basics Training, you will:

  • Learn about the five types of power side-by-side with people around the world in a connecting and conscious environment.
  • Expand your understanding of the nuances of power, which creates more room for complexity in relationships.
  • Deepen your awareness of your own personal power and how it impacts others.
  • Get an introduction to power differentials and their key aspects for better navigating relationships.


When: Thursday, October 3, 2024; 9-16 EEST

Where: Yliopistonkatu 5, Helsinki, Finland


Continuing Education Credits (CEUs):

The Right Use of Power Institute™ is an NBCC – Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEPtm) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program (NBCC Provider #6736).

The Right Use of Power Institute™ is an ICF – Approved Continuing Education Provider.

There is an additional $20 purchase fee for CE documentation. This fee can be paid in our online Shop after your registration is purchased.


Cancellation/Refund Policy:

  • Full refund minus a $50 handling fee available up to 2 weeks before the first day of training OR
  • A voucher for the full amount paid for a future training available up to 1 week before the first day of training


Questions? We’re happy to answer them!

Email us at:

[email protected] for any questions regarding our training programs.

[email protected] for any questions regarding our website, membership levels, sign up.


Facilitator: Sari Ajanko

Sari’s professional career is rooted in hospitality management. Twelve years as a leader in the language service sector was an integral step for Sari in learning how to thrive in client-focused consulting services. Since 2008 Sari has worked in professional coaching and training services. In 2013 she became the founder and CEO of Diversitas Oy (Ltd).
Her company and client offerings are the vessel of fusing her passions, leadership development, professional coaching and personality models and maps. Sari’s mission has been to take the D & I discussions to the next level including the less visible aspects of diversity that we all share. Sari’s book on ”Leading multiplicity – Leader’s self-awareness as it’s core” (in Finnish) was published in 2016.
Sari is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) certified by ICF (International Coaching Federation), Certified Business Coach Master, and Trainer/Mentor of Coaching & Leadership skills. Sari also holds certifications as a WholeBody Focusing Trainer and as a Enneagram Teacher in the Narrative Tradition.
Sari is always looking for new concepts and modalities to make her training and coaching more impactful. Sari is excited about the potential of somatic therapies, currently progressing through certification with Hakomi Mallorca.
Sari lives in Helsinki beside the Baltic Sea with her Canadian husband, Jim Grant, who is also a RUPI teacher, and their “power pawsitive” Office Manager Reiki (Shih Tzu).


October 3, 2024
9:00 am - 4:00 pm EEST
$100.00 – $225.00
Event Category:


Helsinki, Finland
Yliopistonkatu 5
Helsinki, Finland
+ Google Map


Sari Ajanko


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