conference 2024 image

Ymunwch â Ni!

This is a virtual conference! You can attend from wherever you are.

Dros ddau ddiwrnod o weithdai rhyngweithiol a siaradwyr deinamig, byddwch yn cael y cyfle i gydweithio â chyd-arweinwyr, hwyluswyr ac athrawon i archwilio pŵer mewn arweinyddiaeth a'r profiad cyfunol mewn cynnil.

conference 2024 3

Unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn defnyddio pŵer i fod yn y berthynas iawn

Unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn arweinyddiaeth gydweithredol neu bŵer cyfunol

Arweinwyr sefydliad

DEI Practitioners

Defnydd Cywir o Hwyluswyr Pŵer

Arferion Adferol ac Ymarferwyr Cyfiawnder Trawsnewidiol

Arweinwyr Cymunedol


Pobl yn y proffesiynau cynorthwyol


Friday, October 18th & Saturday, October 19th

Please note: All times are listed in Mountain Standard Time (MST)

Click on the title of the session to see the description and speakers.

On the day of the conference, the zoom link for each session can be found in the session's description. You will need a password to access the sessions which will be emailed to those who have registered at least 3 days before the first day of the conference.

Time All - Mainstage DEIB DEIB-2 General Leadership Leadership-2
9:30 am

Plenary: A Special Celebration

Amanda Aguilera Dr
Executive Director, Right Use of Power Institute
Cedar Barstow Dr
10:45 am

15 min. Break

11:00 am

Internalized Capitalism: The Power of Getting Free

Laura Hartley
Life & Leadership Coach, Public Love Enterprises

Developing the Body of a Leader: Somatics for Business

Pavini Moray
Somatic Coach & Author
12:15 pm

30 min Break

12:45 pm


Dr. Loren Intolubbe-Chmil
1:30 pm
2:00 pm

15 min. Break

2:15 pm

Healing the Hidden Scars: Understanding Internalized Oppression

Nora Alwah
Trainer and Coach, n'betweener

From the Personal to the Universal: Many Windows into Universal Power

Maya Shaw Gale
Life & Leadership Coach, Creative Edge Coaching

Sourced Leadership & Culture Building

Carolyn Reilly
Development Director, Springhouse
3:30 pm

15 min Break

3:45 pm

Keynote Speakers

Circle Sherri

Sherri Taylor

Sherri Taylor, Psy.D. is a contemplative, teacher, end of life doula, consultant, and facilitator. She completed her undergraduate education in Feminist Studies at Stanford University and earned her master’s and doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, California.

Mae ei diddordebau ysgolheictod ac ymchwil yn cynnwys arweinyddiaeth fyfyriol, gwaith breuddwydion, trosglwyddo caredigrwydd a gwytnwch rhwng cenedlaethau, a somatics perthyn ac anberthyn. Hi hefyd yw gwarcheidwad y soulstudiolab a Black Womxn's Dream Lab.

Mae’r soulstudiolab yn cynnig hyfforddiant grŵp perthnasol ac ystyrlon, siopau chwarae, a gweithdai ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd cymunedol a phroffesiynol sy’n integreiddio dulliau ac arferion arloesol o’r traddodiadau myfyriol, y celfyddydau mynegiannol, a seicoleg, gyda ffocws arbennig ar bwysigrwydd seico-ysbrydol creadigrwydd ac ymgorfforiad i ysbrydoli twf personol, dealltwriaeth ryngbersonol, a chyfiawnder cymdeithasol.

Dr. Loren Intolubbe-Chmil

Loren Intolubbe-Chmil, Ph.D. (she/her) is an educator and activist with over thirty years of experience in teaching and diverse educational contexts. Loren’s deepest interests encompass representative stakeholder engagement, education for change, and human rights-based decision-making. Loren’s work in the world is significantly shaped as a tribal member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma as well as the experience of completing K-12 education in multiple and divergent locations as the child of a parent in the U.S. military.  As a reflection of commitment to a world that embodies dignity, belongingness, justice, curiosity, and interdependence, Loren has taught several courses – including study abroad programs in Nepal and southern Africa – and led a variety of workshops and trainings with those collective values at the center.

Loren has a BA in Sociology with a Minor in Women’s Studies from Mary Baldwin University, and earned an M.Ed. and Ph.D. in Social Foundations of Education at the University of Virginia. Loren is currently a Teaching Assistant Professor and Leadership Instructor in the Student Academic Success Center at the University of Colorado-Boulder, and is co-founder and partner of the educational consulting firm CoreCollaborative International.

CoreCollaborative International:

Loren LinkedIn:

circle loren

Manteision Nawdd

Yn y Sefydliad Defnydd Cywir o Bwer (RUPI), rydym wedi gwasanaethu cymunedau lleol a rhyngwladol ers dros ddeng mlynedd i helpu i gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth pŵer ac arwain y defnydd o bŵer tuag at ddibenion moesegol a theg. Credwn fod newid sut rydym yn deall ac yn defnyddio pŵer yn newid brys ac angenrheidiol yn y byd. Ac, fel sefydliad dielw bach rydym yn dibynnu ar arian rhoddwyr i hyrwyddo ein cenhadaeth.

Gyda dros 2,000 o hyfforddeion a hwyluswyr Defnydd Cywir o Bŵer mewn 19 o wledydd, bydd llawer yn bresennol yn y gynhadledd. Dim ond $1000 yw'r nawdd a chewch y buddion canlynol:

  • Eich logo a/neu enw eich sefydliad wedi'i gynnwys yn yr holl ddeunyddiau hyrwyddo cyn, yn ystod ac ar ôl y gynhadledd. (Po gyntaf y byddwch yn noddi, y cynharaf y gallwch gael eich cynnwys mewn hyrwyddiadau cyn y gynhadledd!)
  • Sicrhewch 2 Docyn Mynediad VIP i'r gynhadledd sy'n cynnwys:
    • Mynediad Estynedig i Recordiadau Cynadledda 2024 A 2022
    • Copi o ddau Lyfr RUP digidol
    • Byddwch y cyntaf i gael y llyfr newydd gan Dr. Aguilera! Byddwn yn eich rhoi ar y rhestr archebu ymlaen llaw.
    • Tystysgrif Rhodd Siop Swag