Client Services

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Is unproductive conflict getting in the way of your goals?

When a team lacks a nuanced awareness of power, it can lead to disconnection at best, or worse - misuses or even abuses of power.

We've found that having a shared language for navigating power makes it a lot more possible to build healthy, innovative, and psychologically safe cultures.

We offer a variety of services to help individual and organizational clients find right relationship so you can refocus on your mission.

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With Right Use of Power™ you will be able to:

  • Develop deeper awareness of the nuances of multiple types of power.
  • Navigate power differentials ethically and effectively - understanding the difference between role vs. status power differentials and how these intersect.
  • Build a culture of feedback so issues can be addressed before they become entrenched conflict.
  • Access and use personal power to work through challenging situations.
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Training Adapted for Your Organization's Needs

Experiential, embodied, and highly participatory training modules that can be combined in different ways to address your particular pain points. Check out our public program offerings for examples of the trainings we offer.

Power-Conscious Coaches

Certified coaches trained in Right Use of Power facilitation who can partner with you on your real-life context and goals.

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Community of Practice to Support Ongoing Learning and Development

Space for continued dialogue and growth amongst your team or organization, as well as our broader RUP community.

Oikean tehon käytön™ jälkeen osallistujat ovat sanoneet, että he voivat nyt:

Ole eettisesti ennakoivampi sosiaalisen voiman dynamiikassa.


Ole tietoisempi vallan varjonäkökohdista.



Käytä heidän henkilökohtaista voimaansa lisäämällä tietoisuutta ja läsnäoloa.



Nojaa palautteeseen ja konfliktiin lisäämällä taitoa ja tietoisuutta voimasta.



Ready to Transform?
