Penggunaan Kekuatan™ yang Benar untuk Kepemimpinan Spiritual

Pelatihan Model Hibrid untuk Komunitas Spiritual
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Kursus Penggunaan Kekuatan™ yang Benar untuk Kepemimpinan Spiritual kami dirancang bagi mereka yang ingin menjelajahi seluruh kurikulum Penggunaan Kekuatan™ dengan Benar dengan sudut pandang spiritual.

Pelatihan ini bersifat hybrid (sesi asinkron online + integrasi langsung), kursus 12 modul dengan 6 sesi integrasi langsung dan sesi kickoff langsung.

Good intentions and high spiritual development aren’t enough to prevent the harmful use and abuse of power with students/parishioners who are highly vulnerable. Power is present in every relationship, and sadly, we get so little training in how to understand and use it wisely and well instead of trying to avoid it. This course is especially designed for spiritual leaders, clergy and their community members to provide skills, personal and ethical awareness and understandings that will help reduce stress, isolation, and confusion related to the multiple challenges of your role power and your spiritual power.

This course will be helpful to anyone is spiritual leadership. It is also designed to be helpful to community members, whatever level of responsibility. Religious and spiritual communities are healthier, stronger, and more resilient when members at all levels of responsibility understand about power—both the shadow and the shine of it. Note there is a group discount if several members want to take this together.

In this hybrid course, you will have a chance to watch the modules on your own time, and then engage with colleagues for questions, self-reflection, integration and support during six interspersed hour and a half zoom sessions that will connect you with others working with similar challenges and opportunities.

As you become more power-conscious, you will be better and better able to lead wisely and skillfully, and compassionately avoid the traps and repair from ruptures.

Dimulai 20 Mei 2024

  • Senin, 20 Mei, 10.00 – 11.30 MST: Kickoff dan Selamat Datang
  • Senin, 3 Juni, 10.00 – 11.30 MST: Sesi Integrasi untuk Modul 1 – 3
  • Senin, 17 Juni, 10.00 – 11.30 MST: Sesi Integrasi untuk Modul 4 – 5
  • Senin, 1 Juli, 10.00 – 11.30 MST: Sesi Integrasi untuk Modul 6
  • Senin, 15 Juli, 10.00 – 11.30 MST: Sesi Integrasi untuk Modul 7 – 8
  • Senin, 29 Juli, 10.00 – 11.30 MST: Sesi Integrasi untuk Modul 9 – 10
  • Senin, 12 Agustus, 10.00 – 11.30 MST: Sesi Integrasi untuk Modul 11 – 12

Dalam kursus ini Anda akan:

  • Learn about the six types of power side-by-side with spiritual leaders and clergy around the world in a connecting and conscious environment.
  • Expand your understanding of the nuances of power for spiritual leaders and clergy and their constituents.
  • Learn about the neurobiology of power and how to counteract the effects of power on our brains and bodies. Delve into the special challenges and opportunities facing those in spiritual leadership.
  • Perdalam kesadaran Anda akan kekuatan pribadi dan dampaknya terhadap orang lain.
  • Understand the difference between spiritual, role, and personal power.
  • Jelajahi perbedaan kekuatan peran dan pelajari cara menangani interaksi yang menantang ketika ada perbedaan kekuatan.
  • Lebih memahami kekuasaan sistemik dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap jenis kekuasaan lainnya.
  • Pelajari perbedaan antara identitas dan kekuasaan status.
  • Mulailah memahami aspek bayangan dari kekuasaan dan bagaimana kita dapat mengatasinya.
  • Pelajari seni memberi dan menerima umpan balik dengan mempertimbangkan kekuatan dan jelajahi perbedaan antara niat dan dampak.
  • Dapatkan pengenalan cara menangani konflik dengan cara yang sadar kekuasaan dan generatif.
  • Pelajari tentang rasa malu dan pengalaman emosional lainnya yang mungkin berdampak pada penggunaan kekuasaan kita
  • Increase your awareness of personal wounds and triggers that interfere with your clarity and effectiveness.

Setelah peserta Right Use of Power™ mengatakan bahwa mereka sekarang dapat:

Menjadi lebih proaktif secara etis dalam menghadapi dinamika kekuatan sosial.


Lebih sadar akan aspek bayangan kekuasaan.



Libatkan kekuatan pribadi mereka dengan lebih banyak kesadaran dan kehadiran.



Bersandarlah pada umpan balik dan konflik dengan lebih banyak keterampilan dan kesadaran akan kekuatan.



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