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Rhith Digwyddiad Rhith Digwyddiad
Awst 29

Power & Equity Challenge Online

Awst 29th @ 10:00 am - Medi 5th @ 12:00 pm MDT

Rhith Digwyddiad Rhith Digwyddiad
$500.00 - $975.00

The Power and Equity Challenge Online Training is an advanced training designed for those who have attended the Right Use of Power™ Basics & Core Trainings and want to develop their power-and-equity consciousness with a deep dive into status, collective, and systemic power. This training is also a pre-requisite for the Right Use of Power™ Certification Program.

You will have the opportunity to develop deep connections with other participants as well as have a renewed sense of your own power. The intention is to deepen your roots of personal power so that you can navigate power differentials and better access, develop, and sustain collective power.


The Schedule:

This is a 12-week program meting every Thursday between August 29 – November 14, 2024

10am-12pm MST


August 29th: Building Connection

September 5th – Building Connection Integration

September 12th: Cultivating Personal Power 

September 19th – Cultivating Personal Power Integration

September 26th: Self-Care & Collective-Care 

October 3rd: Self-Care & Collective Care Integration

October 10th: Llywio Gwahaniaethau Pŵer 

October 17th: Navigating Power Differentials Integration

October 24th: Atebolrwydd mewn Perthynas

October 31st: Accountability in Relationship Integration

November 7th: Pwer ar y Cyd 

November 14th: Collective Power Integration


Awst 29th @ 10:00 am MDT
Medi 5th @ 12:00 pm MDT
$500.00 - $975.00
Categori Digwyddiad:


Mae'r rhifau isod yn cynnwys tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn sydd eisoes yn eich cart. Bydd clicio ar "Cael Tocynnau" yn caniatáu ichi olygu unrhyw wybodaeth bresennol am fynychwyr yn ogystal â newid nifer y tocynnau.
Standard Rate - PEC Online
Mae'r tocyn hwn ar gyfer y rhai sy'n dod o wledydd y mae eu gwerth arian cyfred yn debyg i'r USD A/NEU y rhai sy'n gallu diwallu anghenion sylfaenol yn bennaf ac sydd â rhywfaint o incwm dewisol.
$ 750.00
Reduced Rate - PEC Online
Mae'r tocyn hwn ar gyfer y rhai sy'n dod o wledydd y mae eu gwerth arian cyfred yn sylweddol is na'r USD A/NEU y rhai sy'n aml yn cael trafferth i ddiwallu anghenion sylfaenol neu sy'n wynebu argyfwng ariannol dros dro.
$ 500.00
Redistribution Rate - PEC Online
Mae'r tocyn hwn ar gyfer y rhai sy'n dod o wledydd y mae eu gwerth arian cyfred yn uwch na'r USD A / NEU sy'n gallu bodloni eu hanghenion sylfaenol yn gyfforddus ac sydd ag incwm dewisol sylweddol.
$ 975.00